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LIC# 17012

smart thermostat

Half of the cost of the average light bill goes to heating and cooling. The A/C unit often struggles to maintain a consistent inside temperature, part of this is due to the way the thermostat is controlled. If you are still using a standard non-programmable thermostat then you are constantly adjusting it. If you’re using…

Washbasin's siphon cleaning in a bathroom

Cleaning a clog out of your drain can put you back several hundred dollars. But by making a few simple changes to your home, you can avoid spending all that money on stubborn clogs. How? It’s all about prevention. Keep reading below to learn how you can prevent clogged drains in your home. Put a…

Piggy Bank On Radiator

Summer can seem a distant memory when you’re freezing your toes off in winter. The average cost of heating in Ohio is over $100 a month. That can be a crippling cost for families on low income. In turn, that means toes turning blue in the winter months. That’s a level of discomfort that can…

how to cool down a room_2

Summer’s heat is almost here! Want to know how to cool down a room without using air conditioning? We’ve got some ingenious, money-saving tips for reducing your energy bill while improving your comfort level. But first, a little trivia. Did you know that air conditioners are partly responsible for the success of the movie industry?…

how to tell if your thermostat is broken

Up to half of the energy use in your home comes from your HVAC system. This is why it plays such a big role in the energy efficiency of your house. The thermostat acts as the control panel for your cooling and heating unit. It’s how you keep your home at the desired temperature. It’s easy to…

home remedies for clogged drains

Are you looking for how to remedy your clogged drain? The majority of homeowners have dealt with a clogged drain at one point or another in their lifetime. After all, it happens to the best of us, and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your plumbing system. Instead, these temporary clogs are often caused…

White Snowflake Background with text Energy Savings Tips

Don’t look now, but winter is definitely on the way! Even though November just started, there are already some parts of the country that are being subjected to their first snowfalls of the cold season. Do you want to prevent your heating bill from skyrocketing in the coming months? If so, there are certain winter…

Plumb cleaner

Did you know something as simple as a clogged drain can pose both a health risk and potential damage to your home? Clogs often happen due to various objects going through the drain. Kids flushing things down the toilet or items blocking the sink drain are the most common factors. These items include hair, food…


Your home’s plumbing system is a complex maze of pipes and other components that work together to provide water to the home. When your drains aren’t working correctly, it could be the sign of a serious problem. If you’re having drain problems, it’s important that you know the root cause. Here are seven typical reasons…


Do you feel like you’re paying too much money every summer to cool your home with your air conditioning system? You’re not alone. Every year, Americans pay almost $30 billion collectively to run their AC systems. About 6 percent of all the electricity used in the U.S. on an annual basis powers air conditioners. If…

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